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Making Time for Your Wellness

woman sitting in meditation yoga pose

Let's talk about making time for self care and wellness. I know for me it can be hard to make time for self care, especially at the end of a long day or busy week. While having moments to just be at home and decompress can be much needed, sometimes I find myself longing for more moments to be in community or just explore the city I'm in a bit more. Here are 3 things that have helped me get over this contrast:

Setting a wellness intention

Take a moment and think about what you want to get out of the upcoming weekend (balance connection, clarity, etc.). Setting an intention can help you engage in meaningful actions that align with your goals. Setting an intention can also apply to how you choose to start a new work week or the beginning of your day.

Writing down wellness appointment

Is there something you've really been wanting to do? Take a look over your current schedule and dedicate a set time to engage in that task. Make note of that time the same way you might for an upcoming appointment or important meeting. Time to be with yourself is just as important.


Appreciating the small wellness wins

Sometimes we feel like we need large amounts of time to engage in some much needed personal wellness. This can deter us from engaging in any action at all. Can you challenge this belief and consider how you can engage in personal wellness for even 5 or 10 minutes of the day. The little small moments add up and make a big difference in our overall wellbeing.

self care statement: make time and space for yourself lovingly


About the Author

headshot photo of black female therapist
Chelsey Reese, LCSW

Chelsey is a relational and somatic therapist based in Los Angeles, CA. She works with adult, teens, couples, and families to help them release stress, tension, and trauma to better connect to themselves, others, and the world around them. She offers group, individual, and couples therapy and offers a sliding scale rate to increase accessibility to services. She also facilitates holistic wellness offerings such as sound bath and yoga sessions, and social gatherings to be in community and have space to engage in conversations about mental health and wellness. If you're ready to go deeper in your mental health and wellness journey you can explore working with Chelsey by booking a free therapy consultation HERE.


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