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Setting the Intention for Inner Wisdom & Self Trust in 2024

warm luxury aesthetic of dimly lit candle resting on top of a journal and book

With all the hype that comes with the start of a new year I've been mindful to arrive into this newness with ease and slowness because its a marathon not a sprint. This isn't always easy especially when it feels like the outside world is sprinting to the finish line. It can be tempting to join the masses and push ahead with full force, only to be met with exhaustion and burnout before I reach the finish line.


I know that I want to live life in the most sustainable way I can and sometimes that means slowing down and grounding into the present, even when the world around me is filled with motion. We've heard the saying comparison is the thief of joy. And its because comparison is connected to self-criticism and shame. Although comparison may feel like a useful motivator in the moment, it isn't an effective strategy for long term success and happiness. Comparison takes our attention away from our own process and disconnects us from our inner voice.


My intention for this year is Self-Trust. To me self-trust means believing that I have the ability to determine how much or little to give of my energy and time. It means that if I listen to my inner voice I will not lose or miss out, but instead flourish and thrive in a way that allows me to make positive strides. In Yamas and Niyamas: Exploring Yoga's Ethical Practice, the chapter on nonviolence mentions that

"inner wisdom simply knows what we need to be vital, healthy, and in deep harmony.... Spreading ourselves thin looks impressive, but in the end, we are the first to lose. The health and well-being of our body, mind, and spirit is a powerful resource and by keeping ourselves in balance, we can stride through life with greater competence and ease."


This year I'm looking forward to grounding into my routines and habits, making space for playfulness and joy, and bettering myself as much as possible. One way I plan to engage my playful and creative side is creating more content on YouTube and TikTok where I can also share my journey engaging in healthy routines and habits.

Something that can be helpful to remember in this marathon of life, is that the real competitor is the Self. A reflective question to consider taking away from this article, and revisiting whenever you feel the comparison thief creeping in, is "Can I strive to be a better version of myself than I was yesterday?" 

My hope for all of us this year is that we trust our inner wisdom and knowing, and access a life of ease and vitality.

Be well,



​About the Author

headshot professional photo of black female therapist
Chelsey Reese, LCSW, RYT200

Chelsey is a relational and somatic therapist based in Los Angeles, CA. She works with adult, teens, couples, and families to help them release stress, tension, and trauma to better connect to themselves, others, and the world around them. She offers group, individual, and couples therapy and offers a sliding scale rate to increase accessibility to services. She also facilitates holistic wellness offerings such as sound bath and yoga sessions, and social gatherings to be in community and have space to engage in conversations about mental health and wellness. If you're ready to go deeper in your mental health and wellness journey you can explore working with Chelsey by booking a free therapy consultation HERE.


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